Even though the evidence for Survival is convincingly presented in the various cases and documents in the Evidence Room of this library, inquiring minds are well advised to reinforce their convictions by reading reports written by other researchers or told, first hand, by those who have actually expeienced evidential events.
In this aisle, you will find strong evidence stemming from Near-Death and Out-of-Body experiences.
Other aisles feature works specializing in other types of evidence.
Click on a title to purchase or learn more about an item. The opinions expressed in these works do not necessarily reflect the views of the Academy, its members, or staff.

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— Listed in alphabetical order by author.—
Alexander, Eben, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife,Simon & Schuster, 2012, 208 pages.
Brinkley, Dannion, Saved by the Light, Villard Books, 1994, 161 pages.
Carter, Chris, Science and the Near-Death Experience: How Consciousness Survives Death, Inner Traditions, 2010.
Cox-Chapman, Mally, The Case for Heaven, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1995, 203 pages.
Eadie, Betty J., and Curtis Taylor, Embraced by the Light, Gold Leaf Press, 1992. 203 pages.
Monroe, Robert, Journeys Out of the Body, Doubleday & Co., 1971, 280 pages.
Moody, Raymond, Jr., Life After Life, Mockingbird Books, 1975, 187 pages.
__________, Reflections on Life After Life, Mockingbird Books, 1977, 146 pages.
__________, The Light Beyond, Bantam Books, 1988, 224 pages.
Morse, Melvin, and Paul Perry, Closer to the Light, Ivy Books, 1990, 256 pages.
Ring, Kenneth, and Evelyn Valarino, Lessons from the Light, Moment Point Press, 1998,340 pages.
__________, and Sharon Cooper, Mindsight: Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind, William James Center for Consciousness Studies, 1999, 217 pages.
Sharp, Kimberly Clark, After the Light, William Morrow & Co., 1995, 240 pages.
Sudman, Natalie  Application of Impossible Things: A Near Death Experience in Iraq, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2012, 128 pages.